
DMCA Policy

3761, as a free download station for mobile games, provides convenient and fast free services for players who love mobile games All resources on 3761 are submitted by developers or provided by users. 3761 only provides storage space services, and the ownership of the content belongs to the uploader. Please delete it within 24 hours of downloading and not for any commercial use. However, 3761 does not assume any legal responsibility for the legality of the content posted and uploaded by each user here and the resulting responsibilities to third parties. The game/software submitted by the developer on this platform, the game/software copyright belongs to the developer company, and 3761 only distributes its content on the platform. Any legal and financial responsibility arising from 3761' content copyright is solely the responsibility of the developer. All websites linked to 3761 and their content and copyright are the responsibility of the corresponding providers and owners, and 3761 does not assume any direct or indirect commercial or legal responsibility for its content, form or quality. 3761 complies with the federal Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and responds to notices of alleged infringement in accordance with the DMCA and other applicable laws. If you believe that the content provided by 3761 may be suspected of infringing your legal rights, please submit infringing materials on 3761, and the materials must include the following details: 1.Provide the copyright certification materials of the infringed copyright work. 2.The relevant information of the copyright owner/company. 3.The email address for receiving the notification of the processing result (receive the notification of the processing result and facilitate 3761 to contact you). 4.The official link for the publication of the copyright work claimed to be infringed and the claim Links to the infringed copyrighted works on 3761, etc. A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law. A statement that the information in the notice is accurate and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the allegedly infringing exclusive right (please note that under Section 512(f) Material misrepresentation of infringing material or activity may result in liability for damages). You can submit relevant information on infringing materials on this page, or send the information to the feedback email:

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