Introducing the MySSI app, your ultimate digital training companion. With 24/7 access to digital learning materials in over 30 languages, you can expand your knowledge anytime, anywhere. Not only can you track your progress and access free SSI programs like Try Scuba and Snorkeling, but you can also earn certifications and log your dives and training within the app. The digital logbook allows you to quickly log your Scuba, Freediving, Extended Range, and Rebreather dives, while the digital gear feature helps you keep track of your equipment. Plus, with achievements and statistics, you can share your best dives and wildlife encounters with friends. Stay connected with the SSI network, get industry news, watch helpful videos, and connect with SSI Dive Centers and Resorts worldwide. Don't miss out on events in your area with the app Event Calendar. Download the app now to unlock a world of diving opportunities!
> 24/7 access to Digital Learning materials in over 30 languages.
> Track progress and access free SSI programs like Try Scuba, Snorkeling, Try Freediving, and Scuba Diver.
> All digital certifications, accident, and travel insurance, as well as dive professional liability insurance.
> Log dives and training in-app to earn free SSI Specialty Diver, Advanced Open Water Diver, and Master Diver ratings.
> Easily log Scuba, Freediving, Extended Range, and Rebreather dives with SSI's Dive Spot Database and QR codes.
> Save important details about dive gear, including serial numbers, photos, and invoices.
The MySSI app provides a convenient and comprehensive platform for divers of all levels. With 24/7 access to digital learning materials and the ability to track progress, it is easy to improve and advance skills. The inclusion of digital certifications, insurance, and liability coverage simplifies the administrative side of diving. The app also offers a user-friendly dive logbook, allowing divers to record their dives and earn specialty ratings. Additionally, the ability to save and track gear details ensures equipment is properly maintained. With features such as achievements, statistics, an industry news feed, and a global network of dive centers and resorts, the app is the ultimate tool for divers to enhance their diving experience. Download the app now to dive deeper into the world of underwater exploration.
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